Friday, January 20, 2012

Sickness Strikes

So as we were contemplating the fact that we had spent one whole week in Peru, we were so amazed that none of us had gotten even the slightest bit sick yet! They told us that within 2 or 3 days our systems would freak out and get us down, but we were all feeling strong… until we said that.

We’ve had a contest going on to see who could go the longest with out getting sick. I must regretfully inform you that I was the first to go.

Last night as we were story swapping I began to notice that my throat was really sore and my nose was stuffed up. I woke up the next morning feeling like I had been hit by a truck, but decided to try and shake it off. We went on our usual morning run down into Banos and that was quite the mistake. I was ready to collapse/throw up/ cough up a lung/have my head explode/shiver to death/die… you name it, I was feeling it. But, not wanting to be the weak link, I kept trying to shake it off and suggested that instead of taking the bus up the very incredibly steep hill home, we should climb up it. What were you thinking Elia?!? 

One foot in front of the other. Just keep moving. You’re almost there.

 And finally, we did make it back to El Bichito. I staggered up the stairs and made it half way onto my bed before I collapsed and slept for who knows how long. I woke up to find that the kids were here and lunch was almost ready. Not wanting to miss a day with the kids (especially since it’s Friday and I won’t get to see them til MONDAY!!!) I decided that I was feeling well enough to go down and play with them. Mistake number three. It was soooo good to see them and have them tease me and hug me and beg me to read to them, but the chaos and moving around did me in. I ate my lunch of rice, arvejas and a deep fried egg and then headed back up to bed. 
How could I not want to spend the day with these kids??

They even do my hair for me!
 I’m feeling pretty good now, except for the fact that I have zippo energy.  Abbi and Brit are in Banos getting some groceries and I miss them already! I haven’t done hardly anything productive today, although I did make my bed and I uploaded a lot of new posts and pictures to facebook. Enjoy!


  1. What are arvejas? And I am not surprised that YOU were walking up the hill.....this is the same girl that Anthony wanted to take to the hospital and she wouldn't let him........hmmmmmm you know what I am getting at! You are exactly the girl I want for a daughter in law....and although that probably won't happen....I will always think of you as that girl!

  2. I thought you were gonna say that you got Manco Capac's revenge (That'll be the Peruvian name for Moctezuma's revenge). Good that you're feeling better, you should make a mate de coca for your flu-ish symptoms. But I don't know if it's easy to get it there in Baños.
