So to make conversation, I said, “En Estados Unidos, comemos “burritos”. (in the U.S., we eat burritos). In Peru, a burrito is a small donkey. So Feliciana and her husband started cracking up. I said, “No, no! Son tortillas con queso, frejoles y carne!” (No! They’re tortillas with cheese, beans and meat!)
Feliciana: Carne de BURRO?!?! BAHAHAhAHAH
We were all laughing sooo hard. And then I just said “tengo hipos” (I have hiccups) see this post for why that would send Feliciana busting up laughing. And then she brought up the name I accidentally called Abbi as well as other various language mishaps I have made thus far.
Just as an FYI: In Peru they call the beans "frejoles" but in Mexico we call them "frijoles". I learned that the hard way, when I lived in Peru in spanish class we were working on vocabulary and the teacher said frejoles and I wrote frijoles son when the teacher checked my work she put a big x on it and corrected it with "frejoles" haha