Friday, January 20, 2012

I Eat Donkey

So tonight after dinner, Feliciana and Jhony were over at the house for who knows what. They are lovely people and we really like them. We asked them for help with the telephone, but it turns out you need a card to use it. Anyways they stayed and chatted for quite a bit. I’m not sure what we talked about or how we got to the topic of donkeys, but someone said, “Un Burrito”.

So to make conversation, I said, “En Estados Unidos, comemos “burritos”. (in the U.S., we eat burritos). In Peru, a burrito is a small donkey. So Feliciana and her husband started cracking up. I said, “No, no! Son tortillas con queso, frejoles y carne!” (No! They’re tortillas with cheese, beans and meat!)
Feliciana: Carne de BURRO?!?!  BAHAHAhAHAH  

We were all laughing sooo hard. And then I just said “tengo hipos” (I have hiccups) see this post for why that would send Feliciana busting up laughing.  And then she brought up the name I accidentally called Abbi as well as other various language mishaps I have made thus far. 

1 comment:

  1. Just as an FYI: In Peru they call the beans "frejoles" but in Mexico we call them "frijoles". I learned that the hard way, when I lived in Peru in spanish class we were working on vocabulary and the teacher said frejoles and I wrote frijoles son when the teacher checked my work she put a big x on it and corrected it with "frejoles" haha
