Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Miracles: Just Call Me Daniel

I believe in miracles hands down. First I must record one that I forgot to do so earlier. Remember how sick I was last Friday? Like hit by a truck, never want to leave my bed ever again, sick? Well the next day was a big day for us. It was our first day in Cajamarca and our first day at the Aldea. Being sick while doing so would have been a disaster. Well I woke up the next morning feeling as good as I possibly could and had a great day sick free! Miracle.

Now this next miracle gets me every time I think about it (which is oft).

Remember how when we go running each morning, at least 30 dogs a day come chasing us down, baring their teeth, barking visciously and trying to bite us, making me want to cry? If you don’t, that story  can be found under the Saftey First post. 

Ok so yesterday morning we get up and did the same routine we do every morning.
Alarm goes off. Apartment prayer is said. Clothes are put on. Ponytails up. Money hidden in secret spots. Out the door and on our run down the same hill at the same time passing the same dogs.

Get this: NOT ONE SINGLE DOG barked at us. NOT ONE SINGLE DOG chased us. NOT ONE SINGLE DOG bared it’s teeth at us. NOT ONE SINGLE DOG even got up from their guard post to even question our presence. 

Coincidence? I think not. Miracle? Yes! I felt like Daniel in the lion's den as we ran by those dogs who didn’t even seem to know that we were there! It was one of the coolest things I’d ever experienced. Thanks for the prayers! They’re working!

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