Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Picture Perfect Sweet Revenge

This morning I had one of those moments where I just wanted to freeze everything and make that moment last for forever. It was a simple setting, not too exciting but I was just so content. Allow me to paint a picture for you.

I was sitting on the sidewalk outside our front doors, reading my scriptures. It was about 9:15 am and the sun was behaving rather nicely. I had on my shorts and my chacos and was loving basking under the blue skies and inviting sunlight. Occasionally, I would look out into the distance and have my breath taken away by the sheer beauty of the sights that I have seen countless times before. The clouds, the hills, the mountains, the little shack-like homes that were scattered along the mountain side. Ah I live in the most beautiful place.

As if things couldn’t get better, while I sat there studying, I’d hear my name shouted out from the distance. “Elia!” “Elia!” Only to see two of my favorite ninos (Rodrigo y Antony) going about their morning business, but not before they had shouted their good mornings to me.

It was a picture perfect scene…until….

All of a sudden, the 2nd Nephi Chapter 9 that I was studying right in front of me took a beating with a strong, consistent stream of water pouring onto it. Horrified at the fact that my new scriptures now looked like they had gone for a swim, I looked up to see the little stinker Alvierri standing there with his MegaSquirt Gun 3000X (or something like that).
This is the demon in question.
He looked like he had just gotten up for the morning and was on a mission, his first target being my 2nd Nephi Chapter 9 and all the surrounding chapters. Ooooo I could have killed that boy (I have a bit of a hard time loving this one) but his father was right there, so I asked him to please stop because this book was special to me and he had just gotten it all wet.

I then gathered my things, and as I was walking through the door, I turned back and said, “Gracias Alvierri”….right before I pelted him with my secret waterballoon. .. not my most mature moment

 He cried, his father laughed.

Although Each time I turn to 2nd Nephi I will have a constant reminder of that little stinker…. but the  revenge was sweet.


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