Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Dear Future Husband,

Hello darling. I must tell you that if we're poor and can't afford a washer and dryer when we're first married, don't worry about it one bit! Esta bien!  I've improved loads (pun not intended) when it comes to my clothes-washing-by-hand capabilities. However, there are a few setbacks that I must make you aware of before we seal the deal.

1. You have to be ok with the idea of "permastench". Some clothes (ok, most of my clothes) have taken on an odor that I just can't seem to rid them of no matter how hard I try! I scrub and I soak and I suds them all up, then rinse and wring and wait for them to dry, but I'm afraid it is to no avail.

Once they are dry, I scoop them up, take a whiff and cry at how awfully they still smell. So when people don't want to sit by you on the bus ride home, don't take offense, just remember that you have a wife at home who loves you dearly despite that awful permastench, and she is indeed trying her best.

2. We must live in a place that does NOT rain every single day. I mean, if we happen to invest in a dryer, bring on Seattle. However, if not, I must insist that we find ourselves a nice dry desert so that our clothes might have some hope of drying all the way through before you have to put them on again. Also, the humidity and wetness is not helping our "Try to smell decent" cause one bit.

Just a few things I thought I'd let you know.

Con Mucho Amor,

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