Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Little Taste Of Home,

I can pass up pie, cut back on cake and even  back out of brownies….but when it comes to a homemade cookie…. Move over, I’m done for. I crave cookies like none other, and when I’m eating them I feel as if I shall never be sad again. OH how I love them.

Well guess what. Peru does not have cookies. Not the cookies you’re thinking of at least. They call crackers cookies. CRACKERS! Tell me I’m not the only one who sees a vast difference between a crunchy, salty, stale-like piece of bread and an ooey-gooey, melt in your mouth cookie?

We decided that for Valentine’s day we wanted to make all of our friends good ol’ American chocolate chip cookies. After searching high and low for a recipe that wouldn’t end disastrous at  our 9000+ ft altitude, we got to work on satisfying my sweet tooth.

We did however have to improvise as brown sugar is nonexistent in Peru  (the sugar is brown here…but not because it’s “brown sugar”) and we could not find baking soda to save our lives!  Chocolate Chips…also a problem easily fixed by chopping up a chocolate bar.

But lo and behold, twas a success worth documenting! We made some tonight to try out our recipe, and tomorrow will be full of baking as well so that we can share our treats with all our new friends who have been OH so good to us. Stay tuned for pictures
And since we’re on the topic of things that a girl should never go three months without…. Today we were walking home from church when a sister in our ward (Hermana Rubi) stopped us and asked us if we’d like a piece of her homemade Tres Leches cake. Don’t take this the wrong way, but you have never lived if you have never had a taste of homemade, tres leches cake…Peruvian style. I could have died right then, completely satisfied with life. SO, SO good!!!! And to make sure that I never have to go my whole life with out that little necessity, Hermana Rubi has promised to teach us to make it!
So come find me in Utah when I get back be prepared to have your mind blown.

1 comment:

  1. Tres Leches cakes are soooooo good!! I totally agree with you on that one!!! Yummy! Good thing I can find them in the store here! =)
